
Organizer does keep to itself for the most part. A vanilla installation requires almost no touching after the initial configuration and setup.

In addition to the import and export commands, there are a handful of useful commands you can run:

  • make_superuser - Makes a given email address a superuser.
  • dedupe - Allows you to dedupe your airtable. It is an interactive script that will prompt you to merge items before asking again to save changes.
  • list_members - Probably only useful for East Bay for Everyone. Lists everyone who has attended at least one event and thus a member. Tags people who have attended at least three events as a voting member.


Administrators are users with administration privileges. This may be granted automatically through the login process; See Integrations.

Administration Interface

Organizer is built on top of Django, which includes a delightful administration backend. You may access it via /superuser/; /admin/ is the reduced CRM-specific version accessable from the normal UI.